How to convert the plugin into your language
Take this file set, and then name it messages_(yourlanguageshortcut).yml and then place it into your lang folder in the plugin and set it up to your set language shortcut, example 'en', 'tr', 'es' and etc inside the config.yml!
no_permission: "You don't have permission to use this command."
overlay_not_found: "Overlay image not found."
default_skin_error: "Could not download default skin!"
failed_skin_fetch: "An error occurred while fetching your skin."
no_custom_skin: "You do not have a custom skin saved."
skin_upload_error: "Cannot upload skin to MineSkin!"
skin_apply_error: "Cannot apply skin!"
error_occurred: "An error occurred!"
file_read_error: "Could not read file!"
skin_read_error: "Could not read saved skin, loading default skin instead!"
jacket_adding: "Jacket overlay being added: %s"
active_shirt_overlay: "Active shirt overlay: %s"
modified_shirt_name: "Modified shirt name: %s"
applied_modified_shirt: "Applied modified shirt overlay to skin"
applied_original_shirt: "Applied original shirt overlay after jacket removal"
jacket_removing: "Jacket overlay being removed: %s"
skin_updating: "Updating skin for player: %s"
default_skin_load: "Could not load the blank skin!"
blank_skin_exception: "Exception message: %s"
overlay_not_in_images: "Original shirt overlay not found in overlayImages"
modified_overlay_not_found: "Modified shirt overlay not found in overlayImages"
player_only: "This command can only be run by a player."
usage: "Usage:/clothes <wear/unwear/delete/remove/save/load/reset/base> [playername] [overlayname]"
cooldown: "Please wait %s seconds before using that command again."
loading_skin: "Loading skin, please wait as the changes are made..."
reload_success: "Plugin has been reloaded."
wear_success: "Overlay %s has been added to %s."
wear_failure: "Failed to wear overlay %s to %s."
unwear_success: "Overlay %s has been taken off from %s."
unwear_failure: "Failed to take off overlay %s from %s."
reset_success: "Your skins and overlays have been reset."
reset_failure: "Failed to reset your skins and overlays."
no_permission_overlay: "You don't have permission to wear/remove this overlay."
invalid: "Invalid command. Usage: /clothes <wear/unwear/delete/remove/save/load/reset/base> [playername] [overlayname]"
none: "None"
separator: ", "
could_not_load_blank_skin: "Could not load the blank skin!"
exception_message: "Exception message: %s"
could_not_create_folder: "Could not create folder: %s"
could_not_create_subfolder: "Could not create subfolder: %s"
loading_skin: "Loading skin: %s"
error_loading_skin_file: "Error loading skin file: %s"
could_not_download_default_skin: "Could not download default skin!"
no_custom_skin_saved: "You do not have a custom skin saved."
error_fetching_skin: "An error occurred while fetching your skin."
failed_read_skin_file: "Failed to read the skin file for player: %s"
cannot_update_player_skin: "Cannot update player skin!"
updating_skin_for_player: "Updating skin for player: %s"
using_template_at: "Using template at: %s"
shirt_directory_not_found: "Shirt directory not found at: %s"
found_shirt_directory: "Found shirt directory at: %s"
created_nosecondlayer_directory: "Created 'nosecondlayer' directory at: %s"
skipping_non_png_file: "Skipping non-PNG file: %s"
processing_overlay: "Processing overlay: %s"
modified_overlay_saved: "Modified overlay saved to: %s"
exceeded_max_accessory_overlays: "You've exceeded the maximum number of accessory overlays. Limit: %s"
jacket_overlay_added: "Jacket overlay being added: %s"
active_shirt_overlay: "Active shirt overlay: %s"
modified_shirt_name: "Modified shirt name: %s"
applied_modified_shirt_overlay: "Applied modified shirt overlay to skin"
modified_shirt_overlay_not_found: "Modified shirt overlay not found in overlayImages"
jacket_overlay_removed: "Jacket overlay being removed: %s"
original_shirt_overlay_not_found: "Original shirt overlay not found in overlayImages"
overlay_image_not_found: "Overlay image not found."
could_not_save_image_to_file: "Could not save image to file!"
an_error_occurred: "An error occurred!"
cannot_upload_skin_mineskin: "Cannot upload skin to MineSkin!"
cannot_apply_skin: "Cannot apply skin!"
could_not_save_player_overlays_config: "Could not save player overlays config!"
Last updated