
[a231110] Code Update [11/10/2023]

Changed Paper Dependency

[a231210] Code Update [12/10/2023]

Skin Compiling, Config.yml
  [+]Changed the way the player's skin gets compiled.
(I will be adding a config.yml way sooner or later on picking to allow
mc-skins or blank skin to be used through true/false system)
         // Fetch the blank skin from default_skin folder
        try {
            File blankSkinFile = new File(plugin.getDataFolder(), "default_skin/alex.png");
            return ImageIO.read(blankSkinFile);

  [+]Added config.yml which now allows plugin-users to decide how many
  accessories a player can overlay/compile before they have to remove
  one to be able to put another.
# Wardrobe Clothes Plugin Configuration

# The maximum number of accessory overlays a player can have.
accessories_limit: 3

            // Initialize a list to store accessory overlays to be added
            List<String> accessoryOverlaysToAdd = new ArrayList<>();

            for (String overlayName : overlayNames) {
                String newOverlaySubfolder = overlayName.split("/")[0];
                if (!"accessories".equals(newOverlaySubfolder)) {

[b231210] Code Update [12/10/2023]

Added jackets overlays functionality
New function auto-generates the actual non-2nd-layered shirts in a 
new folder.
                BufferedImage overlay = ImageIO.read(overlayFile);
                for (int x = 0; x < overlay.getWidth(); x++) {
                    for (int y = 0; y < overlay.getHeight(); y++) {
                        if (template.getRGB(x, y) == 0x00000000) {
                            overlay.setRGB(x, y, 0x00000000);

[a231310] Code Update [13/10/2023]

Added lang support
# Wardrobe Clothes Plugin Configuration

# The maximum number of accessory overlays a player can have.
accessories_limit: 3

# Default language for the plugin.
# Supported languages: en, tr
default-language: 'en'

    private void loadLanguage() {
        File langFile = new File(plugin.getDataFolder() + "/lang", "messages_" + defaultLanguage + ".yml");
        if (!langFile.exists()) {
            plugin.saveResource("lang/messages_" + defaultLanguage + ".yml", false);
        YamlConfiguration langConfig = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(langFile);
        for (String key : langConfig.getKeys(true)) {
            if (!langConfig.isConfigurationSection(key)) {
                messages.put(key, langConfig.getString(key));

Last updated